AstroAI Lunch Talks - June 3, 2024 - Kiranjyot Gill
03 Jun 2024 - Joshua Wing
The video can be found here:
Speaker: Kiranjyot Gill (Harvard University)
Title: Searching for Light Knights in the Dark: Hunting for Gravitational Waves from Massive Stars using AI
Abstract: Following the milestone of detecting gravitational waves (GWs) from merging compact binaries, the next significant watershed moment in GW astronomy lies in detecting GWs from core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe). By placing GW detectors on the Moon, we open doors to the unparalleled exploration of the sub-Hz/Hz GW frequency spectrum. More specifically, for CCSNe GW science, this means enabling the potential detection of the GW linear memory – a phenomenon resulting from a combination of aspherical matter ejection and anisotropic neutrino emission during stellar collapse. Additionally, machine learning techniques, such as neural networks (NNs), have already proven successful for the detection of GW signals from binary black holes (BBH), binary neutron stars (BNS), and binary neutron-star black holes (NSBH). In this talk, I demonstrate that neural nets may be used to detect specific three-dimensional neutrino-driven CCSNe model waveforms in the context of lunar GW detectors and extend detection capabilities from tens of kiloparsecs to tens of megaparsecs.
Watch the talk below!